CCI featured on my work with creative entrepreneurs in LA
photo: Jon Endow
The Center for Cultural Innovation recently published an interview with me, where I talk about my work in Los Angeles as part of the Creative Industries Incentive Network (CIIN). I talk about my perspective as an artist coming to Los Angeles from San Francisco, and how the community-centered energy I found here in the experimental performance scene led me to build a career around exchange and collaboration. I also talk about how, contrary to the current narrative that Los Angeles is “finally” coming into its own as a major Artworld player, that we’ve long been a generator of culture and we are more accurately “continuing to be strong”. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that big commercial galleries moving into places like the Arts District and Boyle Heights are contributing to massive displacement of low income communities: “Displacement and cultural divide is something that L.A. has always had to deal with. A lot of times art is happening in response to that. A lot of our [Creative Economic Development Fund] grantees [with whom I work at CCI] are very much embedded in these areas of potential conflict.” READ MORE…